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Die Niljagd

Hans Makart, Die Niljagd, 1876, Öl auf Leinwand, 275 × 456 cm, Belvedere, Wien, Inv.-Nr. 5837
Die Niljagd
Hans Makart, Die Niljagd, 1876, Öl auf Leinwand, 275 × 456 cm, Belvedere, Wien, Inv.-Nr. 5837
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  • Datierung1876
  • Künstler*in Hans Makart (1840 Salzburg – 1884 Wien)
    • Wikipedia
  • ObjektartGemälde
  • Material/TechnikÖl auf Leinwand
  • Maße/Dimensions
    275 × 456 cm
  • SignaturSign. rechts unten: Hans Makart
  • Inventarnummer5837
  • Standort Derzeit nicht ausgestellt
  • “It is a true heavenly delight to be able to smear around on such a large canvas; I will do my utmost not to paint anything small again,” Hans Makart wrote in the mid-1860s in a letter to his mother. But how did the painter go about tackling such a huge format? A structure in the artist’s studio made it possible for him to lower the canvas into the cellar below and thus to reach areas that would otherwise have been inaccessible. Makart created this work in just three weeks for the 1876 exhibition of art and applied art in Munich. His earlier stay in Cairo had probably inspired him to paint Hunt on the Nile, an imagined exoticized scene from ancient Egypt. As in many of the artist’s paintings, in this work he was again more interested in a fairy-tale fantasy than in historical reality.

  • 1895 Gräfin Clam-Gallas, Wien. – Gräfin Sophie von Auersperg, Wien. – Kunsthandel Haberstock, Berlin. – Führermuseum, Linz. – 1945 Central Collecting Point, München. – 1958 Bundesdenkmalamt, Wien
    1963 Überweisung vom Bundesdenkmalamt